CAV: TECH with COSMIC Secondary
TB Main Nodes:
Engineered Fracture: Armor break and they are Heal Blocked.
Infectious Wrath: You get a fury when you block their healing
Nanite Healing: Every 15 seconds they regen/heal.
Indomitable: Defenders healing abilities cannot be reversed, only stopped.
TB Bring:
Peni Parker, Lady Deathstryke, Warlock. Howard the Duck. HulkBuster (Sp1 spam), Ultron puts heal block (with HB/Vision synergy), Captain America (Sam Wilson) with War Machine Synergy gives heal block on his SP1 so he is extremely viable. Viv Vision heal block on medium combo ender. Ironheart.
Any Tech champ that armor breaks easy or can Heal Block. Civil Warrior (heal block on Heavy) and Red Skull heal blocks when you heavy (why not have some fun and get some use out of him!) Doc Ok (Chemistry Breakthrough). IMIW has heal block on his heavy attacks. Omega Sentinel (prefight heal-block).
Landmine Path Fights:
Quest Boss: Phoenix (Cosmic)
Main Nodes:
Escalating Fury (Buff): She gets a Fury Buff every 10 seconds.
Enhanced Incinerate: Her Incinerates have increased potency.
Powerful From Afar: If you are far away from her she gains power.
Inside Out: If you're near her for 4 seconds you get Rooted for 4 seconds.
Snowballing (Indestructible): If she has 3 or more Buffs she gains an Indestructible Passive until all Buffs expire or are Nullified.
Old Sarge Says:
Round 1: Easy fight for Black Widow Clair Voyant. Do 4 hit combos and back off to avoid Root. She will gain a lot of power since you are away from her so much, but her SP3 isn't that strong- I took about 10% damage from it when she got it.
Round 2: I tried Kindred thinking they could nullify- but I was wrong- lol. So I cleaned up with BWCV.
Final Round: Easy W for Longshot. One SP2 was pretty much all it took for my 6* R4.
Civilian Intel:
Arch Angel shreds Jean Gray. Parry. Heavy. Win.
Kushala easy win. Just SP1. 4 hits or 5 hits combos actually doesn’t matter.
Sig 200 Longshot destroyed Phoenix
Sym Supreme is a great counter.
Rintrah made Phoenix a non issue
Kushala and Doom worked great for me
The Hood destroyed Phoenix.
Kushala for phoenix
Wiccan (parry then heavy)
Wiccan also works playing normal.
Doom works.
Rintrah cheeses 1.1 Phoenix boss.
Isophene sp1 makes light work out of 1.1 Phoenix as well.
Research provided by:
The SHADE Syndicate
DM me if you are looking for an alliance or a place to talk MCOC.