Cav: COSMIC with MYSTIC Secondary
TB Main Nodes:
Crack in the Armor: When the defender has an armor break on them you have a 10% chance (per armor break) to get a passive fury when you land an attack.
Tough As Nails: Defender gets an armor up every 3 secs.
Mystic Ward: Your nullify has a 95% chance to fail.
TB Bring:
Any Cosmic works. Those with easy access to Armor Breaks even better.
Captain Marvel Movie, Knull (pop an Sp1 and all the armor breaks add up quick!), Angela (Odin Pre-fight is even better!), CGR, King Groot, Hyperion, Cull Obsidian, Corvus, Aarkus, Venom, Medusa, Terrax, Air-Walker (with Peni Parker synergy). Scream. Annihilus, Venompool
Civilian Intel:
Herc with CapIW and BP synergy absolutely wrecks!
Heim, CGR (Path MVP), Galan(duped only), Hulkling
Landmine Path Fights:
Quest Boss: Beast (Mutant)
Main Nodes:
Kinetic Transference: He gains Power when you Block.
Redlining: If you go over 33% of your Max Power you gain extra power. If you go over 75% of you Max Power it is drained to 0.
Languor: If your Power reaches 0 you take Direct Damage.
Enhanced Parry - Power Gain: You get a Power Gain Buff when you Parry.
Bullet time: Anytime he is Stunned it is immediately removed and he will Evade you on your next attack. If you Dex a Basic Attack then the Evade Charge is removed and he is Stunned for 1.5 seconds per Charge removed.
Footloose: He gets an Evade Buff after his SPs granting a 25% chance to Evade your attacks and gain an Unstoppable Buff for 7 seconds.
Old Sarge Says:
Round 1: Shitty fight for real. That "25%" chance of getting an Unstoppable is a weird way to write "100%"... but whatever. OG Storm was able to rock him down with a couple SP2s. Not sure if it was a Bug or not- but I was not able to land a successful Parry even once in this fight. It was like he was Stun Immune.
Round 2: Yup- still don't like this fight very much. I tried Negasonic and got my ass handed to me. I was able to get him down with Bishop, but it was close.
Round 3: Took him down with OG Ironman, but it wasn't fun- and it wasn't hard. Just an annoying fight more than anything. Wait out the Unstoppable, he is easy to dex when you are against the wall.
Final Round: I tried RedSkull and he works pretty well. I did srew up and got zapped by Languor. Finished off with Vox.
Civilian Intel:
Dani works really good against Beast. Just Spam SP1’s to keep up the passive slow and it shuts down the unstoppable and evade from the specials. Also her miss mechanic on block allows you to get openings without blocking and giving him extra power. Perfect fight for her.
Ironheart or Jack
Viv Vision
Absorbing Man makes the unstoppable disappear and makes it a regular fight
Jack O Lantern was great
Beast doesn't need a counter. Just use the evade charges (reparry up to 4x in one combo because beast's 5 hit is slow) up when his footloose buffs are about to expire so you can stun and attack as it expires. then finish with a special or your own. Or use any nullifier.
Nimrod also melts the 2.1. Beast boss.
Research provided by:
The SHADE Syndicate
DM me if you are looking for an alliance or a place to talk MCOC.