Chapter 2.2

TB: #Mercenary, #Guardians of the Galaxy | MUTANT 

CAV: MUTANT with TECH Secondary

TB Main Nodes:

Bloody Barb: Mutant, #Mercenary or #Guardians of the Galaxy Attackers inflict a Bleed Passive on the Defender whenever they inflict a Stun Debuff on the Defender, dealing 15% Direct Damage over 6 seconds.

Bleeding Edge: Mutant, #Mercenary or #Guardians of the Galaxy Attackers gain a Cross Charge each time they inflict the Defender with a Bleed effect. Max stacks 10.

Obstinate Charge: When the Defender performs the first attack in any combo, the Defender is Stun Immune until the attack ends.

Crimson Rage: Every 8 seconds the Defender gains an Unstoppable Buff for 4 seconds, unless they are suffering from a Bleed Debuff or Passive when the timer expires.

Explanation: Apply a bleed whenever you stun. Get cross charge every time you apply bleed. First of defender's combo is stun immune. Defender becomes unstoppable every 8 seconds unless they're bleeding. Time to work on those re-parry's.

Old Sarge Says: You can also bring nullifiers- the fights are a bit longer but way, way easier.

Hammy Says: Just use Apoc and ignore most of the nodes. 

TB Bring:

Mutant: Any (reparry). Mutants that cause Bleed will be better: Wolvie, OML, Apoc, Arch Angel, Nagasonic, Mr. Sinister, etc...

#Mercenary: BWDO, Domino, GwenPool, Hit Monkey, Karnak, Luke Cage, Nebula (worthless for this quest), Sabretooth, Massacre, all the Deadpool's, Yondu, Elektra, Winter Soldier, Moon Knight, Black Widow, TaskMaster, Misty Knight, Absorbing Man, Wolvie (Weapon X), Bullseye

#GotG: StarLord, Gamora, Drax, Agent Venom, Rocket, Groot, Mantis

Civilian Intel:

DPX (esp. horseman) feels borderline broken. 10 charges + sp1 and they melt

You can destroy with the Agent Venom Trinity (Agent Venom, Scorpion, Kraven).

Horsey Wolverine is amazing!

Horsey Wolverine w/ the Lady Deathstrike Synergy is even BETTER!! 

Landmine Path Fights:

Quest Boss: Warlock (Tech)

Main Nodes:

Old Sarge Says: 

Civilian Intel: 


Skip to (Multiple Fight Counters)

Research provided by: 

The SHADE Syndicate

DM me if you are looking for an alliance or a place to talk MCOC.

All other champ images are from:

Boss Fight Videos by:

Shahzaib's Realm:


Boss Fight Videos by: 

