Cav: SCIENCE with SKILL Secondary
TB Main Nodes:
Just bring Science champs that are immune to Poison. If you don't have that then dex and parry to remove the poisons they are going to put on you.
Also: bring a science attacker that puts non-damaging Debuffs on the defender. Silk, She-Hulk, (d) She-Hulk
TB Bring:
Ibomb, CapIW, Abomination, SheHulk, RedHulk, Overseer, Anti-Venom, Scorpion (use either of his prefights), Immortal HULK, Antman, GHulk
Mr. Fantastic (his ‘Debuff Syphon’ pre-fight turns the poison into a healing node for any champion- and it is a non-damaging debuff)
Landmine Path Fights:
Quest Boss: Jean Grey (Mutant)
Main Nodes:
Calming Retreat: Each time you Block an Attack you gain an indefinitie Fury Buff. Max Stacks: 10. When you Dodge back all the Fury's are Nullified.
Delirious and Dashing: While you are suffering from a Delirium effect, Dashing forward grants you a non-stacking Unblockable Buff for 2 seconds, but Dodging back Nullifies all Unblockable Buffs on you
Cleaning Contact: Whenever Jean Blocks an attack she Purifies 1 Debuff off of you.
Prey on the Weak: She gains 2% of her Max Power each time a Buff is Nullified or expires off of you. Armor Break Debuffs Nullify Armor Up Buffs.
Old Sarge Says:
Round 1: Welp. Overseer pretty much just Destroys her. He gains a Gamma Power charge when he is immune to something- and he is immune to Nullify. So the Calming Retreat and Delirious and Dashing nodes work in your favor. If you bring one of the other Hulks along (which works well with the path fights as they are all Poison Immune) then Overseer is also immune to Reverse Controls. Jean puts Delirium on you when her Force Field is depleted and during her Special Attacks. Delirium: Reduces Defensive Combat Power Rate by the given potency and inverts Dash and Dodge controls.
Round 2: I tried Prof X and she annihilated me. I took a lot of energy damage- like a lot. No clue what was going on tbh. And she destroyed my Scorpion- I hate Reverse Controls. So I just used Overseer and she went down real fast.
Round 3: Got the 1-shot with OG Hulk stun-lock, but I did eat an SP3. But my OG Hulk is 7* R4- so you may need to play slower.
Round 4: Took her down with Overseer again, took a little longer than Round 1 as I was trying to get to know her SP attacks and Dex them. Her SP2 is easy to Dex- so push to SP2 if you can.
Final Round: Man she just does a lot of Energy Damage to you for no reason- lol. I lost my Joe Fixit just to energy damage. But I was able to nuke her down the rest of the way with OG Hulk. Again- push her to SP2 if you can- and watch for a little bursts of power gain from her when she gets near her SP lines.
Sarge's Initial Thoughts: She looks cool as hell. But to be honest- Overseer took her down so fast that I didn't have much time to enjoy the fight- lol.
Civilian Intel:
Mister Sinister- he is immune to Reverse Controls and makes her easy.
Jack ignores reverse control. Actually any tech works but just pay attention to reverse control.
Viv Vision
Jack O Lantern was great
Research provided by:
The SHADE Syndicate
DM me if you are looking for an alliance or a place to talk MCOC.